On 23 – 25 November in the conference – recreation resort “Natura Park” in Stężnica near Baligród held a training for local community leaders. During the three-day course organized under the “Academy for Democracy and Development” programme a group of 50 participants raised their competence in the field of theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of local governments.
Students working under the supervision of experienced trainers and practitioners selected by RES MANAGEMENT S.C. created budget of a virtual community, participated in a simulation solving of potential social conflict, as well as getting familiar with procedures used in the case of occurrence of natural disasters. And all of this including the Swiss experience in the field of environmental protection and public participation in decision making processes.
During lectures and exercises heterogeneous in terms of age, education and interests a group quickly began to create a well-functioning team, whose members collectively declared their intention to continue their joint relations and activities for their local communities.
A good excuse for this kind of activity which is signing in the idea of building a civil society will be study visit at Swiss partners in Villars-sur-Glane. This action which is the next stage of the “Academy of Development and Democracy” will be implemented in the first quarter of 2013.
Co-financing from the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme - CHF 101,401.26
Projekt “Akademia Demokracji i Rozwoju” współfinansowany przez Szwajcarię w ramach szwajcarskiego programu współpracy z nowymi krajami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej
wartość współfinansowania szwajcarskiego 101,401.26 CHF